City clerk receives IMC designation

City clerk receives IMC designation


Gluckstadt City Clerk Lindsay Kellum was recently commended by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Inc. for achieving the Certified Municipal Clerk designation.

“On behalf of the IIMC Board of Directors, I am honored to endorse the conferring of CMC to Lindsay Kellum, CMC of the City of Gluckstadt,” said IIMC President Lisa Garcia. “We share your pride in this achievement and we applaud your support of the role Lindsay plays in your city.”

Kellum graduated from the Certified Municipal Clerk program on June 25 in Biloxi during the annual Mississippi Municipal League conference.

The CMC designation is administered by the IIMC.

IIMC grants the CMC designation only to municipal clerks who complete demanding education requirements and have a record of significant contributions to their local government, community and state, Garcia said.

“In light of the speed and drastic nature of change these days, lifelong learning is not only desirable, it is necessary for all in local government to keep pace with the growing demands and changing needs of the citizens we serve,” Garcia said. “Your city can take immense pride in Lindsay's educational accomplishments and achievement of this milestone.”

The program is sponsored by the Center for Government and Community Development and the Mississippi Municipal Clerks and Collectors Association and accredited by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.

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