Helping Alleviate Children’s Anxiety
Pointers For Parents

Helping Alleviate Children’s Anxiety


(NAPSI)—If your children are like most, they get anxious from time to time—but you can help them get over it. 

The Problem

In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), even with the best parenting, 80 percent of little ones feel that unpleasant emotion.

Some Answers

Fortunately, there are several ways you can help. 

For one thing, the NIH suggests parents of younger children can help them “come back to earth” from spiraling thoughts with the 3-3-3 rule: Ask your child to name 3 things they can see, identify 3 sounds they can hear, and move 3 different parts of their bodies. 

For another, one of the most anxious times for little ones is at bedtime. Scary things and worries flutter and flap around, making it hard to sleep. A calming nightly routine, including reading to your children, however, lets them settle down for the night. 

Bedtime Reading Can Help

According to the Children’s Bureau of California, reading to your child at bedtime builds trust in them that you will be there for them. With a little imagination (and a lot of love) you can create a cozy nest for happy thoughts—and sweet dreams for your kids. One excellent new picture book that can help with that is “My Thoughts Have Wings,” by Maggie Smith. The bestselling author of the viral poem “Good Bones” and the memoir “You Could Make This Place Beautiful” delivers a lyrical and reassuring book great for calming active minds at bedtime (or anytime).

The poetic book was inspired by Smith’s own daughter who dealt with intrusive thoughts at night. It’s an fine way for children to recognize and name unsettling thoughts and provides an empowering, reassuring strategy for self-soothing.

The colorful hardcover is aimed at children from preschool through grade 3, published by HarperCollins and available wherever books are sold.

Learn More

For further information or to order the book, visit

picture book, “My Thoughts Have Wings” Maggie Smith, parents, soothe, anxious, children, bedtime, kids, little ones, read, sweet dreams

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