Locals named to health board

Locals named to health board


The Mississippi Health Care Association (MHCA), the state’s largest long term care trade association, recently announced new officers on its Board of Directors for 2024-2026, including two from Madison.

The following new officers on the MHCA Board of Directors include:

Debbie White, President – Louisville, Mississippi

Tonya Eubanks, First Vice President – Water Valley, Mississippi

Bobby Beebe, Secretary – Madison, Mississippi

Dannie Barlow, Treasurer – Madison, Mississippi

“Congratulations to our new officers on the Board of Directors as they share a commitment of always putting our residents first,” said Vanessa Henderson, Executive Director of MHCA. “Serving on the Board of Directors requires a spirit of dedication, compassion and devotion to help make sure our state’s most vulnerable citizens have a voice and advocate to ensure access to high quality long term care services.”

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